Sunday, June 6, 2010

master gardener.

Last weekend, we stopped by the Flatrock Arts Festival down the street to visit some of the booths and say hello to Mary, a fantastic neighborhood who has been actively working to get a farmer's market in Woodbine where we live. It is all approved and will be down the street from us...literally within walking distance. We wanted to stop by her booth and buy a tshirt and let her know how much we appreciate what she is doing.

While we were there, a division of the University of Tennessee was there handing out materials about their Master Gardener classes that they offer at the Agricultural Center about 5 minutes from our house. The lady gave me some information and I called the number the first chance I had! They sent me a brochure which I sent in and more information is on the way. It is a class that runs once a week for two hours from February to April and then you have to do 40 hours of community service - helping communities build gardens, etc.

I am SO excited to learn more and would feel so blessed to be able to use my love of plants (and food) as a volunteer opportunity!

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