Wednesday, March 9, 2011

cold frame.

My dear friend Anthony helped me build this a few weekends ago and it has held up GREAT! (Rumor has it that the one he built for himself blew down in a storm the same week he finished mine which is just about how life goes)

It's over half of the raised bed that Mark made me last year so it's about 3x12 feet long.

It's STEAMY in there and definitely warm enough to get some things started. I have kale, turnips and kohl rabi hardening off outside right now in the hopes that I can plant on an overcast day next week.

(there's some tomatoes, peppers and herbs growing too but those will go in the ground at a later date)

It's going to be in the 60's this weekend so along with some bulb flower planting, I'm hoping to direct plant under the cold frame carrots, lettuce, spinach, radishes and green onions.

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