I recently read a book about a method of gardening called Square Foot Gardening. For someone like me, it's EXACTLY what I needed to read. My hyper organized mind was having a hard enough time with all the uncertainty that comes with growing things and with trying to keep up with the timing of everything. This book recommends breaking your garden up into 12"x12" sections. You can fit in more vegetables in each square, are constantly rotating your crops to promote good soil and it's easy to organize! I immediately nerded out and used my graph paper to map everything out - and made an accompanying Excel spreadsheet and calendar - and feel so much more prepared for what to plant when. I would highly recommend it to anyone that needs to take gardening one square at a time.
I purchased some lumber at Home Depot and split my raised bed into 22 sections. Under the cold frame, I started three different kinds of onions, peas, my kale/kohlrabi/turnip transplants, beets, carrots, radishes, spinach and lettuce...and I didn't even use up all the space! When you look at each section individually, it also makes succession planting easier so I don't have a bunch of squares that are full of carrots all coming up at the same time. Now we just have to see what plants actually live.
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