Tuesday, March 15, 2011

supper 3/15.

Just before I started cooking tonight, my friend Suzanne posted that she made kale chips. I had some kale that I bought this weekend and since I had no food plans, I gave it a try.
I'm still not sure if I cooked them long enough but they were delicious! It's a great way to eat a vegetable that I know is too tough for most people. Suzanne said you chop off the stalks and spread them in a thin layer on a cookie sheet. Spray them with olive oil and sprinkle sea salt on top. Cook them at 300 for 20-25 minutes and crunchy, tasty green chips await!

I paired it with some red potato soup - I chopped up celery instead of adding the celery seed but otherwise made it as is. It was pretty good...probably one of the last soups I'll make for awhile since it's getting warmer (soon).

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